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Saturday, July 19 2025/ Sábado 19 de Julio del 2025

 11 am to/a 8pm At  The Catholic University of America  University Garage
3598 John McCormack Rd NE, Washington DC 20310


For Inquiries / Para preguntas 202-417-7381/347-443-7052

Sponsor Opportunities 

About the International Colombian Festival of Washington DC: Go Colombia LLC is proud to present the 8th edition of the International Colombian Festival of Washington DC. In previous festivals, more than 5,000 spectators were in attendance. The event was covered by the local newspapers and television stations, including Colombian channel RCN and Telemundo one of the largest Spanish language Network in the U.S. and Latin America. This year, we have SPAIN as a guest country and we are anxiously looking forward to even greater success. In the past, we have counted with the participation of well-renowned artists and recipients of Grammy awards, and this year we are not expecting less as we are pushing for unique performances. Additionally, all the proceeds will go to several non-profit organizations that work in Colombia and other parts of Latin America.

This year, the eigth edition festival will be held on Saturday, July 19, 2025 , from 11:00AM to 8:00PM at The Catholic University of the America, an area located in the trendy Brookland neighborhood. For more information and to apply online visit our website link.

About Go Colombia LLC: Go Colombia LLC is a special events production organization in the Washington DC metropolitan area that connects culture, music, food, and folklore. With our events we also want to contribute to different social causes in Colombia that focus on education, rural development, and art. For that goal, we are partnering with several non-profit organizations based in the U.S. and Colombia to donate most of our proceeds to the social causes that matter.

Why to sponsor at our event:

The Festival will take place at The Catholic University of the America , an area located in the trendy Brookland neighborhood and now ranked as one the fastest growing neighborhoods in Washington, D.C.
In previous festivals more than 5,000 spectators attended, with the event being covered by the local newspaper and television stations, including major Hispanic Network Telemundo. In previous years, we had the honor to count with the Participation of Colombian Grammy winner group Los Gaiterors de San Jacinto, and this year, we are anxiously looking forward to even greater success.
This eight edition will feature several artists. It will also count with the participation of Latin American salsa and vallenato bands and other local groups.
Sixty percent of our spectators are Colombian-Americans, which are considered the seventh-largest Latino group and the largest South American Latino group in the United States with more than 21,000 living in the Washington DC Metropolitan area according to a 2015 census. Our Festival is the second largest Hispanic Festival in the Washington DC Metropolitan area.

Packages Info will be posted soon. If you want to get ahead, contact us to learn about sponsoring with us at colombianfestivaldc@gmail.com or at 347-443-7052.

Packages & Benefits:

Gold: $6,000

Silver: $3,000

Bronze: $1,500

Complete application online at www.colombianfestivaldc.com or form below:Please submit logo to dccolombianfestival@gmail.com Required *


Complete application online at www.colombianfestivaldc.com or form below: 

Please submit logo to dccolombianfestival@gmail.com 

Required *

Please select

Package/ Paquete
Referred by ( N/A if nobody referred you )
Company Name / Nombre de Compania *
Adress /Direccion *

Website / Pagina web (Opcional)

Main Contact Person / Nombre de Contacto Principal *

Contact / Contacto E-mail *
Phone Number / Telefono *


Customer Signature Date:

Note: Submit application to pay electronically or see other payment methods.
: Envie la solucitud para pagar electronicamente o para mirar otros métodos de pago

Optional Payment/Otra opción para pagar:
You can also deposit to the following account: Routing Number: 055002707
Account number: 1000202131479 - Bank: TRUIST - Name of Bank Account: Go Colombia LLC

Please Note: Scan/or take photo of receipt and email it to dccolombianfestival@gmail.com , or send email to request a PDF application and electronic invoice.



Washington DC, US For Inquiries:
Phones: 202-417-7381/347-443-7052
Email: dccolombianfestival@gmail.com