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Saturday, July 19, 2025
11:00 AM to 8:00 PM

The Catholic University of America University Garage

3598 John McCormack Rd NE, Washington DC 20310

dccolombianfestival@gmail.com  - gocolombiallc@gmail.com

For Inquiries/Para Preguntas: Call at: 202-417-7381/347-443-7052

Vendor Application/Commitment Form

Solucitud de Vendedor/ Contrato de compromiso

* Required/ Requerido

Details / Detalles

Please select and SEE TABLE BELOW with Key dates for submitting Vendor Application. Your space is not guaranteed until payment is received and processed. Please read all sections completely and fill out this application. Once you have submitted this application, we will contact you within 3 days to confirm your participation.

Consulte y marque en LA TABLA A CONTINUACIÓN que contiene las fechas claves para enviar solicitudes de vendedores. Su espacio no está garantizado hasta que se reciba el pago. Por favor, lea todas las secciones y complete esta solicitud. Una vez que haya enviado esta solicitud, nos comunicaremos con usted dentro de 3 días para confirmar su participación.

Vendor Type/Tipo de Vendedor

Early Bird (April 15th)

Final Deadline (July 15th )

Food / Comida (Limited to 9)



Food / Comida (Carne a la llanera limited to 1)



Ice Cream/ Helado /Fruit /Fruta (Limited to 6)



Commercial/ Comercial (i.e. Real estate, Law firms, medium and large companies)



Arts & Crafts/ Artesanias / Small Entremreneurs/ Pequenos Empresarios



Goverment & Non-Profit Organizations/ Agencias Gubernamentales & ONGs



Select Vendor Type/Tipo de Vendedor

Application/ Solicitud

Complete application online at www.colombianfestivaldc.com or form below: / Complete la solicitud en línea al www.colombianfestivaldc.com o llene la forma abajo:

Referred by ( N/A if nobody referred you / N/A Si nadie lo/a referio/a)
Company Name / Nombre de Compania *
Adress /Direccion *

Website / Pagina web (Opcional)

Main Contact Person / Nombre de Contacto Principal *

Contact / Contacto E-mail *
Contact /Contacto Phone Number/ Telefono *

Will you be conducting any open flame cooking, grilling, smoking or frying?   Estará cocinando con flema abierta, humo o fritando? *

Tent Rental/ Alquiler de Carpa ($150)  *

Benefits/ Beneficios:

Requirements/ Reglas:

Customer Signature * Date:


Note: Submit application to pay electronically or see other payment methods.
: Envie la solucitud para pagar electronicamente o para mirar otros métodos de pago


Optional Payment/Otra opción para pagar:
You can also deposit to the following account: Routing Number: 055002707
Account number: 1000202131479 - Bank: TRUIST - Name of Bank Account: Go Colombia LLC

Please Note: Scan/or take photo of receipt and email it to dccolombianfestival@gmail.com , or send email to request a PDF application and electronic invoice.





Washington DC, US For Inquiries:
Phones: 202-417-7381/347-443-7052
Email: dccolombianfestival@gmail.com